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Headteachers Welcome

Welcome to Moorbrook School, we are a specialist provision for pupil’s age 11 – 16 yrs with social emotional and mental health needs.


Pupils at Moorbrook benefit from a well-balanced and personalised education delivered by an experienced and passionate team. There is a broad and engaging curriculum, which offers pupils a good range of opportunities to develop their academic, vocational and social skills. We provide purpose built classroom for practical subject such as Science, food technology, art and design technology. All our classrooms have the latest technology alongside a dedicated computer suite.  We have purpose built quiet spaces and an outdoor learning area. Our fantastic staff team are very experienced and deliver bespoke education, which promotes good relationships enabling pupils to grow in self esteem, confidence and their ability to interact with others.


At Key stage, 4 carefully selected alternative educational placements can successfully complement pupils’ learning and progress in school based subjects. Pupils achieve well in school. They make good progress from their starting points. Teachers challenge pupils to improve their work; a typical comment: “I never thought I’d be able to write this much but I’m really proud of my books now. The teachers are always ready to help if I need it.” Our aim is to support our young people to be the best they can and be ready to move onto college, apprenticeships, training or employment.


The partnership between home and school is a vital element of our provision. Each pupil has a keyworker who contacts the family at least weekly. We have a very active family support worker who works with our families to secure the support of services outside of school if needed. All staff understand that school, parents and other services need to work together to achieve the best outcome for the young people in our care.


The school motto “Respect and Achieve” is central to everything we do. Every staff member is committed to ensuring the best outcomes for individual pupils in a safe and caring environment. As headteacher, I am passionate about the school, the staff and most importantly the pupils being the best they can be.


If you would like to visit our school and find out more about us, please contact Mrs Morris or Mrs Smith in our school office or myself on 01772 774752 to make the necessary arrangements.


Mrs. Claire Thompson, Headteacher
